quarta-feira, 23 de julho de 2014

I) Marque a alternative correta:
1. We.......... the information on the magazine's website. (Find)


2. She did not...............the man from going into the store. (Stop)


3. Did you..............calling him this week? (Feel like)
a.Felt like

b. Feel like
c. Feel liked

4. She.................a few mistakes but, even so, she won the game. (Make)
a. Makes
b. Maked

c. Made

5. Serra was.................by Fernando Henrique and Dilma was....................by Lula.
a. Appointed
b. Appoint
c. Appointied

II. Complete os espaços nas sentenças abaixo com a conjugação correta noSimple Past Tense – Passado Simples. Se necessário consulte a página Simple Past Tense -verbos irregulares. Caso os verbos não sejam irregulares adicione ‘ed’ conforme está na página de Simple Past Tense – frases afirmativas.
Ex: Jane (love) loved the concert last night! (Jane amou o concerto, ontem à noite!)

1. Yesterday, Ronald (go) WENT to school by car. (Ontem, Ronald foi para a escola de carro.)

2. Sam (have) HAD breakfast early today. (Sam tomou café da manhã cedo hoje.)

3. Juliet (study) STUDIED in the University of California. (Juliet estudou na Universidade da Califórnia.)

4. I (eat) ATE lasagna last Sunday. (Eu comi lasanha no domingo passado)

5. My friend (arrive)ARRIVED at 10:00 p.m. last night. (Meu amigo chegou às 10h00 ontem à noite.)

III) Qual é a alternativa que completa corretamente a frase “I ____________ to Porto Seguro last Summer” no Simple Past?
a) went.
b) to go.
c) gone.
d) goed.

IV) Qual é a alternativa que completa corretamente a frase “__________ your mother __________ to Rio last week?” no Simple Past?
a) Does – travel.
b) Did – travel.
c) Did – traveled
d) Do – traveled.
V) De acordo com o estudo dos verbos irregulares no passado, marque a alternativa que tenha uma frase correta no Simple Past.
a) I haved a terrible headache an hour ago.
b) We done our homework last class.
c) They ated a hot dog.
d) She made a delicious cake yesterday

VI) Qual é a forma negativa da frase “He studied Biology at UnB”?
a) He not did study Biology at UnB.
b) He didn’t studied Biology at UnB.
c) He didn’t study Biology at UnB.
d) He not studied Biology at UnB

VII)  Qual é a forma interrogativa da frase “Mario spoke English very well”?
a) Mario speak English very well?
b) Did Mario speak English very well?

VIII) Observe as frases abaixo:
I – They arrived at the theater at 9 o’clock.
II – I saw him a year ago.
III – She is my best friend.
IV – Mary slept 12 hours yesterday.
Quantas frases estão no Simple Past?
a) uma.
b) duas.
c) três.
d) quatro.

IX) Qual é o passado dos verbos:  to take – to change – to carry – to write?
a) took – changed – carried – wrote.
b) taked – changed – carryed – writed.
c) taked – changeed – carried – written.
d) took – changeed – carryed – wrote.

X) Passe a frase “I think she drives madly and keeps having accidents” para o Simple Past. Qual é a alternativa correta?
a) I thought she drived madly and kept having accidents.
b) I thought she drove madly and kept having accidents.
c) I thinked she drived madly and keeped having accidents.
d) I thought she drove madly and keeped having accidents.

XI) De acordo com o estudo do Simple Past, quantos verbos regulares estão destacados na frase “He stopped at the traffic lights, waited and began to drive through the main road”?
a) nenhum.
b) um.
c) dois.
d) três.

XII) Passem as frases a seguir para a forma afirmativa do passado simples com  verbos irregulares.

-->Did you go to the party?
R:You went to the party.
-->He did not
 see the movie.
R:He saw the movie.

1.Did you speak to her about that?

R:you spoke to her about that.
2.We didn´t make the game.
R:We made the game.
3.Did they feel better after the treatment?
R:They felt better after the treatment.
4.She didn´t get the money.
R:She got the money.

5.Did he drink before driving?
R:He drank before driving?

XIII) “Peter wins the game and begins to cry”. A forma CORRETA no passado dos verbos sublinhados é:
 a) won - began
b) win - begin
c) wined - begined
d) woned - begin

XIV) Os verbos: build – keep – teach no passado:
 a) built – keeped - teached
b) build – keeped - taught
c) builded – kept - teach
d) built – kept – taught

XV)The child __________________ milk last night.
 a) wrote
 b) read
 c) drank
 d) ate

XVII) De acordo com o estudo feito sobre os verbos irregulares no passado, identifique a oração que se encontra CORRETAMENTE no “Simple Past Tense”.
 a) She went to the club yesterday.
b) I ated a hot dog.
c) They goed to the United Sates.
d) We drunk beer.

XVIII) Quanto ao estudo do Simple Past, marque a alternativa que completa CORRETAMENTE a frase abaixo: “I’m terribly upset. My team _____________________ third game this season. (lost)
 a) lose
b) loses
c) losing
d) lost

XIX) Qual é a forma interrogativa da frase abaixo: “He prepared his lesson well.”
a) Did he prepare his lesson well?
b) Does he prepare his lesson well?
c) Did he prepared his lesson well?
d) Does he prepared his lesson well?

XX) Marque a correspondência CORRETA do infinitivo e passado simples dos verbos:
a) to go – gone
b) to play - plaiede
c) to drink - drank
d) to study – studys

XXI) A seguinte oração na forma interrogativa será: “Mario spoke English very well.”
 a) Is Mario spoke English very well?
 b) Does Mario speak English very well?
 c) Did Mario speak English very well?
 d) Did Mario spoks English very well?

XXII) A forma negativa da seguinte oração será: “Pedro went to the theater.”
 a) Pedro not went to the theater.
 b) No, Pedro went to the theater.
 c) Pedro didn’t went to the theater.
 d) Pedro didn’t go to the theater.

XXIV) De acordo com o forma interrogativa e negativa dos verbos no
passado simples, marque a oração CORRETA:
 a) Did you had any problems?
b) She didn’t sleep early.
c) I did not ate that sandwich.
d) Did they needs any helps.

XXV) Dados os tempos primitivos:
1. to buy bought
2. to take took
3. to drink drank
4. to go went
 Constatamos que está(ão) CORRETO (s):
 a) apenas o tempo primitivo nº 01.
 b) apenas os tempos primitivos nºs 02 e 03.
 c) apenas os tempos primitivos nºs 04 e 01.
 d) todos os tempos primitivos.

XXVII) O Simple Past dos seguintes verbos é respectivamente?
 to wear – to give – to speak – to cost – to find
 a) wore –gave – speak – costed – found
 b) wore – given – spoken – costed – loung
 c) weared – given – spoke – cost – founded
 d) wore – gave – spoke – cost – found

XXVIII) Quantas frases estão no Simple Past?
I went to Chicago last year.
Paul wrote many books.
We visited our grandparents last weekend.
She played the piano very well.
 a) uma
 b) duas
 c) três
 d) quatro

XXIX) Qual verbo completa de forma correta a frase abaixo no “Simple Past”?
I ____________ to the weather forecast 5 minutes ago. (listen)
 a) listens
b) listend
c) listened
d) lost

XXX) Quais verbos completam de forma correta as frases abaixo no “Simple
We _______________TV before going to sleep. (watch)
They _____________ their room yesterday. (clean)
 a) watched, cleaned
b) watches, cleans
c) watched, cleand
d) watch, clean

XXXI)  O Simple Past dos seguintes verbos é respectivamente?
Want – help – Cook – Turn – Play
a) wanted, helps, cooks, turns, play
b) wanted, helped, cooked, turned, played
c) wanted, helped, cook, turn, plays
d) wantd, helpd, cookd, turnd, playd

XXXII) Qual das sentenças abaixo encontra-se no “Simple Past”?
a) Mary write one letter yesterday.
b) Jim works hard last night.
c) Kate and I corrected all exercises last month.
d) We ated fishes and chickens yesterday.  1

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