quarta-feira, 23 de julho de 2014

Exercício de Reposição

Segue meus exercicios!!!
Complete as frases abaixo com SIMPLE PRESENT:
a)  they  study ecology? (Study)
b) Peter there are many books (have)
c) You needs money. (Need)
d) John does cried  all night (cry)

Passe as frases abaixo para a negativa e interrogativa:
a) She lives in New York   (She does not live in New York), ( does She live in New York ? ) 
b) It cries every day   (It does not cry every day) ( does It cry every day) 
c) We study in the same class (We do not  study in the same class)_(do We study in the same class ?)
d) The bus arrives at 10:00 A.M  (The bus does not arrive at 10:00 A.M)_( DOES The bus arrive at 10:00 A.M  ?)
e) It rains for hours. (It does not rains for hours) ( DOES It rains for hours ?)
f) She has to buy a new house

Corriga as frases abaixo, SE NECESSARIO:
a) John and Mary do not swims in the lake
b) I washes the dishes
c) They correct the composition
d) Does they eats vegetables every day?
e) Do it need to be fed?

O 2 exercício eu já encaminhei.
segue o 3º e 4º exercício.(fazer em casa)
Faça um trabalho apresentando os diversos tipos de computadores e para qual tipo de publico ele é recomendado! Escreva seu trabalho em seu blog!

Leia e compreenda o texto das paginas 67 e 68 "The history of the internet". Use o dicionário online, se necessário, MAS NÃO O GOOGLE TRADUTOR!
Crie , em português, e com suas palavras um texto contando a historia da internet e escreva em seu blog!

] Segue a aula de sexta feira dia 04/07 - 1 aula de Inglês

Complete as frases abaixo com SIMPLE PAST: 
a) Susan _ him last nigth (help)
b) The second world war _ in 1945 (end)
c) You _ to the test (study)
d) Mary _ dinnner last nigth (cook)

Passe as frases abaixo para a negativa e interrogativa:
a) She went at to school
b) John sold his scanner.
c) Robert hated blues but his sister loved it
d) While the cicada sang, the ant worked
e) When I loved in London, I worked in a pub

Corrija as frases abaixo, se necessario:
a) Do you go to Fortaleza yesterday?
b) You did not traveled to Manaus
c) Frank buy a memory
d) Did Andrew brought his printer this morning?
e) She sold her keybord 

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